A Full-size, home built on the cheap replica R2D2. My very own Star Wars Celebration London!
A labor of love! This is my budget build R2D2 fairly inaccurate and in no way built to R2 Builders club spec although based, in part, on some of their plans. Thank you to Alan (you know who you are) for answering my many questions about R2.
I made my own 3D model detailed parts in 3DsMax to fit my build and printed them on a Makerbot 3D printer.
The rest was made from MDF, Acrylic, Spray Paint, xmas lights, Fruit-Shoot bottle tops, Milk bottle tops, drainpipe Pringles tube and a B&Q Lampshade! https://www.diy.com/departments/kapse...
Doghouse media ltd noticed the build and featured it on their Star Wars special during release week of Star Wars The Force Awakens on Channel 5!!: